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Surgical operation in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2017-06-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: surgicaloperationoperationsoperationalcooperationAND operationoperation desert stormvertical integrationMeaning: n. a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body. 
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1. The delicate surgical operation took five hours.
2. In his case a simple surgical operation is indicated.
3. If it isn't a surgical operation will be needed.
4. Sometimes it is a surgical operation, sometimes not.
5. When you are facing a surgical operation.
6. In surgical operation, the hypertrophic part of ligamenta ...
7. Does the need after surgical operation notice those item?
8. Is there any alternative to undergoing a surgical operation?
9. Conclusion pancreas injury surgical operation havded to do a diagnosis before.
10. The cost of the surgical operation figured out at about $ 30,000.
11. Objective:Sum up the various surgical operation skills of oviduct gestation which were cured by peritoneoscope.
12. All patients were successfully cured in surgical operation, without serious complications like eye infection and loss of sight.
13. The table is supplied for surgical operation of chest, abdomen gynaecology and obstetrics, orthopaedic department.
14. Objective To probe into the surgical operation method of restoring incommodious bile duct by gallbladder one (lamella) with cystic artery.
15. In surgical operation, the hypertrophic part of ligamenta flava should...
16. Mostly because abortion, labor, surgical operation or not clean sexual behavior come cervix uteri's damnification, the pathogen penetration comes the infection.
17. Objective To discuss the curative effect of the surgical operation with areolar incision or routine radial incision in treating benign masses of mammary glands and to compare the differences.
18. Objective To study the diagnosis and surgical operation in the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal atrophia .
19. Surgical operation confirmed that 46 cases with malrotation of intestines, 24 with congenital duodenal atresia or stenosis (including membranous stenosis) and 15 with annular pancreas.
20. A patient who signs a consent form for a surgical operation can not later sue the surgeon for battery.
21. It had come out of the blue: a brief note from her, saying that she had to undergo a surgical operation.
22. Some people can have their vision restored by a surgical operation.
23. Objective Purpose To study the value of abdominal speculum in the gynecology surgical operation.
24. Children are in growth and development, the methods such as pharmacotherapy, surgical operation, limotherapy and fast weight loss will affect their physical and mental health.
25. Computer tomography(CT) is one of the most widely used technologies in medicine, as a medical imaging tool, it has tremendous impact in noninvasive diagnosis and surgical operation.
26. Method All kinds of monkey hernia were diagnosed and actualized surgical operation.
27. Results: 22 cases were verified by cerebral angiography[sentencedict .com], DSA or surgical operation respectively.
28. Conclusion The treatment effect of the tumors in craniocervical junction can be improved by appropriate surgical operation method.
29. Results The tubercle exudation of the later period in 107 pleuritis the sufferer be all obtained good effect by surgical operation treatment.
30. Fig 3. EMR for sigmoid colon submucosal cancer, additional surgical operation after EMR.
More similar words: surgicaloperationoperationsoperationalcooperationAND operationoperation desert stormvertical integrationratificationgratificationstratificationiterationself-gratificationalterationlacerationtolerationgenerationdesperationvenerationmoderationliberationfederationexonerationeradicationcalibrationvituperationexasperationalliterationenumerationreiteration
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